Part 133: Let's Learn Jobs: Valkyrie
Let's Learn Jobs: Valkyrie
Valkyrie is the spear-specialist of the game. Unlike other jobs seen so far, most of their abilities have a BP rather than MP cost. With options to dish out decent single or multi-target damage, they're a good all-round pick for midgame.
Valkyries are a direct equivalent to Final Fantasy's Dragoon/Lancer job. Use spear, jump high, stab things good, betray your friends.

Job icon is a spear. Job Command icon is a wing, because Valkyries fly high and come down strong, whether it's to impale a monster or tank the floor.

Valkyrie and Ranger have a lot in common. Okay, but not great, stats. Terrible with magic. Affinity with a single weapon type. Valkyrie has an added bonus in being able to use heavy armor, making them better able to take a hit.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - Crescent Moon: Attack all enemies with strength of regular attack. (1 BP)
Level 2 - Jump: Leave battlefield, reappearing next turn with 2x attack (3x if spear equipped) on a target. (1 BP)
Level 3 - Spear Lore: Allows other jobs to have S-proficiency with spears. (Cost: 1)
Level 4 - Judgment: Attack target for 3x damage. (2 BP)
Level 5 - Spirit Barrier: Damage taken applies to MP (at reduced 10% rate) rather than HP. Lasts 10 turns or until MP runs out. (10 MP)
Level 6 - Soul Crush: Target loses MP equal to 10% of regular attack damage. (16 MP)
Level 7 - BP Skill Amp: BP cost skills consume 1 extra BP but deal 50% more damage. (Cost: 3)
Level 8 - Decimate: Kills any enemy with less than 10% of HP remaining. Does not work on bosses.
Level 9 - High Jump: Leave battlefield, reappearing after two turns with 3x attack (4.5x if spear equipped) on a target. (2 BP)
Level 10 - Pierce Default: Attacks do regular damage to Defaulting enemies. (Cost: 2)
Level 11 - Soul Mates: Allows other jobs to equip the Valkyrie specialty. (Cost: 1)
Level 12 - Aerials: Jumps last one more turn, take 1 extra BP, do 50% more damage. (Cost: 1)
Level 13 - Sky High: Starts battles mid-Jump. (Cost: 2)
Level 14 - Super Jump: Leave battlefield, reappearing after two turns with 2x attack (3x if spear equipped) on all enemies. (3 BP)
Valkyries have a handy set of abilities, worth learning and using with other, better physical damage jobs.
A couple highlights: Crescent Moon is ideal for taking out large batches of weak enemies without worrying about running out of MP. High/Super Jump are game-breaking moves if used alongside Time Mage's Hasten World.

P.Atk and M.Atk are boosted by 25% (max 150%) for five turns every time an ally is knocked out.
The costume gender divide continues, but despite continued lack of pants the women arguably win this round.
Edea and Agnès wear armor-enforced white dresses with sky blue accents and wing-themed accessories, plus very odd thigh-high boots with a sort of reverse-skirt decorated with spears. Tiz and Ringabel wear white armor-enforced full bodysuits with more spear accessories. Presumably the helmets are made of a see-through material and they're not just stumbling around blindly or using the Force.

The women's dresses have another pair of wings attached to the back to complete the "murderous angel of judgment" look.

The back of the men's outfit, in contrast, has--

...Uh. Well, I think we're done here. Sleep soundly, everyone!